Monday, September 1, 2008

September Potler Update

It was one quick summer!! I'm sure you all feel the same way. It was jammed packed for us...days at the pool, baseball games, gymnastics and a long road trip out west! We saw the arch and traveled to the top, in St. Louis. We visited the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse and saw a shoot out in Deadwood, South Dakota. We spent a wonderful week with the Brekhus' in Minnesota and shared wonderful meal, after wonderful meal! We returned to get ready for school. All the kids began a new school this year. Kaya started as a Freshman at a School for the Arts. Nahum began middle school at their new school...and Zeb and Tavi started there as well. After the first week and much driving, the consensus is that everyone loves their new schools! Zeb said, "I can't wait for next week!" This is a beautiful change from last year!
So now we are getting back into the school groove! Zeb is playing fall baseball. Nahum is playing soccer. They both have a new love for skateboarding! You should see the ghetto skatepark in our back yard! Tavi is moving to a new gymnastics team. She was evaluated and is training at level 4 and the coach thinks she will be ready to compete come January. She is a determined athlete! Corban is talking a mile a minute!! He repeats everything he hears! We have to watch what we say! :) Kaya is focusing on getting into a routine for high school. It is a demanding school but he is loving the challenge!
Devon's company, Ripristino Remodeling, is growing quickly! He is busy! We still stand in awe everyday that this new career change is working out! He loves what he is doing.
We have been praying a lot about what God is doing with our house church. We feel like He has given us some specific directions for this year. Our house church will be doing monthly outreaches around the city this coming year! We are really excited about what we have planned...more on that later!
For now, please stand with us in prayer as we put our hand to the wheel and try and balance family, Kingdom building and work. May Jesus always be the reason we do what we do!
Thanks for reading!! As always, please let us know how we can pray for you!
In His Service,
Devon and Kristin and Tribe

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