Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This past week, we headed down to Brooklyn again to run another vacation Bible School. The theme was being a superhero for Jesus! We had three moms and their kids from a Bible Study group in Berlin, Maryland, join us for part of the week! We couldn't have done it without them!
The children learned simple truths like Make Right Choices, Stay Away From Wrongs and Be Kind to Others!

Superhero Melissa and Superhero Cheez-it lead us in our theme song every day!
There's not a lot to say, except I know our lives were impacted by the kids we met! I was talking with Allison and realized that I enjoy coming to Brooklyn because they are hungry! Not physically, but spiritually. Things are desperate in their environment. Most of the kids come from not just broken homes, but seriously dysfunctional homes. The atmosphere is oppressive. There are gangs on every block. (Devon witnessed a stand off with two gangs right in front of The Post. They were both had guns in their pockets.) Brooklyn is the largest domestic sex trafficking area on the East Coast. Poverty is the norm. Roaches and mice are the norm. These kids are desperate for love and Truth. It's so easy to "feed" people who are starving.
We saw God do a few miracles. One day, we had a couple new kids and we were short two booklets. I went through every box and bag to find two. When it came time to sit down with the kids, I realized I really needed three. I began to pass out the booklets, meanwhile praying for God to do something...and He did. There were three new booklets in the pile.
That may be a little miracle, but God met us there in Brooklyn and paid attention to even the tiniest detail!

We've decided to start a Kid's Night in Brooklyn. We will be running those the last Saturday of every month starting in August. We are hoping to run a parenting class at the same time. We are looking for volunteers to get involved! Please contact us if you are interested!

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