Last weekend we threw down a love feast at an underground skatepark not far from our home. For the last five years, skaters have come in droves to an abandoned parking lot. They have made it their own. As you walk into the area, past the metal gate you notice immediately this is sacred ground. You know you are walking into the precious territory of a misunderstood culture. It is an art expression. It reflects hurt and hope. It reflects love and hate. Above all, it reflects passion. These boys were passionate! The youngest one had to be 9 and the oldest, in his college years. (I couldn't help but think of the movie the Lost Boys. )
A couple of us went early the morning of our love feast to do a little prayer tagging, as we like to call it! We prayed over the area and asked Jesus to use us to bring more love to that place.
In the evening a group of us piled in trucks and vans with a grill, food and the tables we had made out of broken skatedecks we had taken from the area. We arrived and set up in a corner of the park. It didn't take long for a the line of hungry skaters to form...I think the smell of bacon cheeseburgers on the grill is enough to get anyone's attention! The kids began to ask, "What are you doing this for?" "What are you promoting?" I listened as our group answered. "We just thought you'd be hungry." "We wanted you to know someone cares about you guys." "We're not promoting anything...we like to call this a love feast." Some of the kids couldn't believe it. One kid said, "No one likes skaters. My mom wouldn't even feed my skater friends."
We ate with the kids, hung out and watched them skate. I can't help but think of worship when I see kids skateboarding. I can't help but think of the absolute abandonment they give to their sport...there is no fear. They ride and perform as if no one is watching. They give everything to that moment. I'm teared up just thinking about it. What if I gave everything to the moment...without fear. What if I worshipped with every part of my body, mind and soul not caring about who was watching? I know...they may not know who they're skating for...but, I know in my spirit, God knows. He is watching them and enjoying their expression. He is longing for them to turn their faces upward and have them see His smile. He wants them to feel his pleasure in their worship!
I learned a lot this weekend. There is something beautiful that happens when we go out of our comfort zone and open our hearts up to a different perspective. Our God is so creative and so immense!! There is no limit to the way He expresses Himself...and no limit to the way He has created us to express ourselves! I am so thankful for partaking in this love feast!